Best Ways to Clean a Grill with an Onion

In this guide, you will learn how to clean a grill with an onion. All you need to do is to allow the grill to warm up to a high temperature.

Clean a Grill with Onion

Rubbing your grill grates with a peeled half-onion is an alternative to making use of wire brushes, which may drop small wires and bits of metal behind.

Then, you are to get an onion and pierce half of it using a fork. Afterward, you can proceed to rub the cut side down along the grill grates.

Doing that will allow the onion to release its juices, which will in turn create steam that will get rid of the bits and charred debris.

Why Use an Onion to Clean Your Grill?

I’m sure that before you go ahead and use an onion to clean your grill, you will ask the question: why should use an onion to clean your grill?

Well, that question will be answered in this section. Grease and bits of food get stuck to grill grates, and most of the time, it is almost impossible to remove them.

However, you need to get them off your grill grates. The natural acidity and fluids of onions can loosen stuck-on food, dirt, and grease.

So, using it on your grill will make your grill look new and fresh. And, it will also be a safer alternative compared to chemical cleaners.

Before you can safely cook on your grill grates again, you will have to allow them to burn off. This is the case when you make use of a chemical grill cleaner.

Using wire brushes to clean your grill grates is also a risk. This is so due to the fact that they can drop small bits of metal, and those sharp metal bristles can find their way to your food if you are not careful when you are cooking.

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How to Clean Your Grill with an Onion

Never Use Water Directly On Cast Iron Grates

  • Using water directly on cast iron grill grates can lead to rust, which will in turn affect the success of your future BBQs.
  • Rather than that, make use of the onion method that will be given in this guide, or you can probably go for a cast-iron-friendly natural grill cleaner.
  • However, you can make use of water if you don’t have cast-iron grates, specifically for the end-of-season deep cleaning.
  • You will need to remove the grates and then soak them in a tub of soapy water. This is if you intend on doing this.
  • You can also soak them in a water-vinegar solution. And, to also help scrape away debris on the grates post-grill, you can dip your grill brush in some water.

Use an Onion to Clean the Grates

  • You are to leave your grill on after you are done grilling. Then, get a white onion and stick half of it on the end of your grilling fork.
  • You can then proceed to scrub it face-down along the grates. Any stubborn char or sticky sauce will break down, all thanks to the heat paired with the natural antibacterial properties of the onion.
  • And, be careful to make use of a fork or a pair of tongs to hold the onion, since you know that the grate should still be hot. I’m sure you won’t want to burn your hands.
  • You can also try to make use of a natural acid such as lemon juice or white wine vinegar. This is because if the food is quite stuck on the grill grate, it will help speed up the process.
  • You are to save the onion to help reduce food and water. This is for people with a charcoal grill. And, you are to toss it into the hot coals when you are done. Allow the smoky flavors to imbue whatever you cook next with your grill.
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Scrape Away Excess Carbon

  • Grease builds up on your grill’s components and smoke vaporizes into carbon. The little flakes then sit in your grill hood.
  • This is what happens each time you make use of your grill. You have to scrape your grill hood, drip plates, and burners frequently if you want to prevent dirt and carbon from getting into your food.
  • Also, make use of a grill brush along the hood to get rid of any excess carbon and debris when you are soaking your grill grates.
  • You can go for the Weber grill brush as it makes use of stainless steel bristles that can withstand wear and tear.
  • You can also go for the Grill Brush & Scrape Set, which also helps get rid of any irksome build-up without leaving a scratch.

What Kind of Onion Should You Use to Clean a Grill?

Well, the truth is that any onion you have on hand will be alright and will work well for this.

The fact is that either the type or the color of the onion does not even matter. However, I would strongly suggest that you go for a larger one.

This is for speed and efficiency. You will be able to cover more grill space when you make use of a larger onion instead of a smaller one.

What Should I Do With the Used Onion?

These are simple, but frequently asked questions. This question, “What should I do with the used onion?” might also cross your mind.

Well, when it is all used up, you obviously have no use for it again. You can then discard it.

However, there’s another alternative. You can toss the used onion right into the coals when you are done using it.

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This should be done if you are cooking with a charcoal grill. This will help add flavor to whatever food you are cooking.

Final Thoughts on Clean a Grill with Onion

It might be said that using an ordinary onion is the best way to clean your grimy grill grates. And, I will say, that is true.

There’s nothing that can beat an evening of grilling yummy meats, soft veggies, or luscious desserts like knowing you will have to brush your grill later.

However, you need to be aware that this is a dirty and labor-intensive process and also of the fact that most traditional grill cleaners are toxic and fusty.

And this is why you can opt for an affordable, no-toxic alternative that you already have in your kitchen.

Just make use of an ordinary onion to clean your grill. Follow the laid-out instructions in this guide and you will clean your grill perfectly with just an onion.

So, with all that being said, this will be the wrap-up of this guide on “Clean a Grill with Onion.”

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